Want to create student video portfolios in an instant? Screencastify Submit is the answer!
You can create individualized Submit assignments for every student to regularly produce and store their videos. The Screencastify Submit video assignment tool allows teachers to organize video-based content through an entire school year.
Since Submit assignments are stored by students’ first and last names within the teacher’s google drive, teachers can easily pull from these portfolios to share student work with guardians at home, while students can memorialize work and growth throughout their entire school year.
These Submit videos can easily be added to Screencastify Edit so that a compilation video can be created by “+ Add Media -> Google Drive -> Search student name.”
Related: See how Submit can also be used by IT departments and more!
Read this customer story to learn more about how you can bring an entire community into your classroom with Submit. Click here to install Screencastify free right now and give Submit a try in your classroom right now!