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What's included with a district license??

Free version
Unlimited version
record icon
Quickly create and share videos from a browser tab, a webcam, or a full desktop view.
5 minutes per video
Unlimited recording
5 minutes per export
Unlimited exporting
1 active assignment
Unlimited assignments
edit icon
Staff and students can edit, crop, and polish videos with ease in our browser-based editor.
submit icon
A fast and secure way for educators to create video-based assignments for students and classes.
Domain Licensing
District licensing is domain-specific and unlocks access for all staff and students.
Success Manager
Our team will work with you on integration, adoption, and ongoing professional development.
Custom District Dashboard
We'll build you a custom website filled with resources for your teachers and students
Monthly Usage Reports
Get a monthly usage report card that enables you to track overall engagement and individual usage.
Monthly Usage Reports
Get a monthly usage report card that enables you to track overall engagement and individual usage.

What's included with a district license?

Please apply for any role that interests you, regardless of how qualified you feel. If you don't see the perfect role, email your resume to screencastify@jobs.workablemail.com.

What's included with a district license?

Please apply for any role that interests you, regardless of how qualified you feel. If you don't see the perfect role, email your resume to screencastify@jobs.workablemail.com.

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