The theme for the ISTE 2022 conference in New Orleans is “Empowering Educators. Elevating Equality.”
It’s a theme that resonates with Screencastify, as our mission every day is to help provide tools that empower every educator to create the best learning environments.👩🏫
And we will be on hand at booth #3140 during the conference to discuss this mission and also what we have in store for 2022!
You can register now to attend ISTE 2022 and choose from hundreds of presentations, featuring powerful voices from education and beyond, sharing inspiring stories about how innovations can change lives and improve learning for students.
And if you are planning to go to New Orleans for the show, we’ve also outlined some of the ISTE 2022 sessions that we’re looking forward to. Check them out below!👇
Videocast: A DIY Approach to Teacher PD and Training
What You’ll Learn: As the demands on teachers grow, there is too much to do and too little time. Learn how to create a professional development program that includes authentic practitioner conversations to allow teachers to tune into learning opportunities anytime, anywhere.
When is it? Adrienne Smith hosts Sunday, June 26, 2 – 2:45 p.m.
Chromebooks Can Do That?!
What You’ll Learn: Chromebooks have become a common tool in schools, but are you and your students getting the most out of them? In this session we will explore powerful Chromebook features including screen capture and screen recording, using the camera for photos, videos, and scanning documents, helpful keyboard shortcuts, managing multiple desks, extending your capabilities with Android apps, offline access for Drive, Gmail, and Calendar, built-in accessibility tools, and more!
When is it? Eric Curts hosts Monday, June 27, 1:30 – 2 p.m.
Related: Listen to Eric Curts as he discusses student engagement on EdTech Heroes below!
Creativity Playground
What You’ll Learn: Designed with the help of educators and creative professionals, this playground provides multiple hands-on opportunities to explore and discover ways to increase student engagement and learning through creative mediums such as sound, interactive narratives, design and illustration, video, and photography.
When is it? This session will take place Monday, June 27, 3 – 5 p.m.
Assessments for Everyone: Middle School and Beyond
What You’ll Learn: This creation lab/poster will include visuals and how-to videos to demonstrate an alternate way to assess without students writing or typing. Attendees can expect to practice/be exposed to multiple resources that they an easily incorporate as assessments, no matter what the subject area.
When is it? Patricia Reynolds hosts Monday, June 27, 4 – 5 p.m.
Making Learning Visible Through Video Reports
What You’ll Learn: Find out how we switched to video reports as an alternative to traditional report cards. We will go through the reasons for using video as a reporting solution, the process of creating Video Reports - from documentation to video production and data security - and the impact of video reports.
When is it? This session will be held Monday, June 27, 5:45 – 6:30 p.m.
6 Best Practices for Video Lessons
What You’ll Learn: What makes a good instructional video? Learn what the research says is most effective for learners and get practical strategies for applying evidence-based best practices. Whether you record your own videos or find them online, come learn how to use video more effectively in your classroom.
When is it? Caitlyn Munson hosts Wednesday, June 29, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sensory Storytelling With Google Slides
What You’ll Learn: Learn how to bring a story to life by combining visual and audio storytelling in Google Slides. Participants will learn how to insert original drawings, public domain photos and videos, and will animate text, images and video to create a story that provides a sensory experience for their readers.
When is it? Heidi Neltner hosts Tuesday, June 28, 2 – 3 p.m.
Bring Your Yearbook Alive With QR Codes!
What You’ll Learn: Make your yearbook interactive by integrating music and videos! You can even make your yearbook more accessible with QR codes. Take what you learn here and apply it to PBL lessons and more!
When is it? Syntya Carrasco Bautista hosts Tuesday, June 28, 4 – 5 p.m.
Related: Learn more about using QR codes in your classroom here!
Increase Student Engagement with Video Creation
What You’ll Learn: Looking for new ways to engage your students? Look no further! Learn to use a variety of video tools for engaging student assessments and flipped and blended classrooms.
When is it? This session will take place Tuesday, June 28, 4 – 5 p.m.
Turning Consumers into Creators
What You’ll Learn: Students consume over three hours of video per day. From Youtube to TikTok, they are constantly watching others on screen. Help them become the creators by providing them with creative outlet for creating and sharing content with their peers.
When is it? Cori Frede will host Tuesday, June 28, 4 – 5 p.m.
Come Say Hi 👋
As the leading video creation tool for educators, we will be on hand for the conference to talk about how our latest features and innovations empower teachers to improve learning outcomes inside and outside of the classroom. Be sure to drop by booth #3140 to chat!