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Aug 31, 2023

How JCPS uses video to flip classrooms, personalize learning

Screencastify Squad

The modern classroom has amplified the need for schools and districts to equip each teacher and student with powerful yet simple tools. With the right tools, learning can extend well beyond the four walls of the physical classroom.

Video has emerged as a necessity in order for K-12 teachers and administrators to be able to provide the best possible learning outcomes inside and outside of class. And as more educators gain access to tools such as video, they are discovering how it benefits individual students while improving communication across entire districts. 

Join a panel of educators and EdTech experts at 3 p.m. CDT on Sept. 20 to learn how video has played a role in transforming learning and communication at Jefferson County Public Schools.

In this webinar, you’ll learn: 

  • How video empowers more personalized learning for every student
  • About the success of blended learning in 1-1 environments
  • Ways that video improves district-wide communication
  • The importance of data stewardship when leveraging EdTech

Want to start the journey with video in your district? Contact us to learn more today!

Screencastify Squad

Helping educators accomplish more, create visible success and inspire new ways of teaching.