Business today requires a personal touch. Clients, especially prospective clients, want to know that they’re not just going to be another number in your organization — they want to know that they have a relationship with your company, or that they are getting the best deal possible for your services or product. One thing that can help boost that personal touch? Using asynchronous video for your sales team. Here are four ways it can help improve sales.
1. Reach more clients, faster
There is no doubt that meetings are great for getting to know clients and understanding what it is they want or need. But picture, if you will, two computer screens. On one screen is a calendar. On another screen is a list of people who need to attend a certain meeting, along with their availability — and which time zone they’re in. Trying to mesh one screen with the other can often feel like trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole.
That’s all to say: meetings, while invaluable, also can be tricky to coordinate (particularly if multiple people in different locations are involved), and can, frankly, take up a lot of time that could be spent more productively.
With asynchronous video, however, your sales team can meet and share information at any time, from anywhere. Clients can then watch those videos and digest the information provided at a time that works for them. Screen recording and sharing videos with clients can extend the bandwidth of your sales team, allowing them more time to not only deepen relationships with existing clients, but also potentially pursue additional clients.

2. Educate and engage clients
Part of a sales team’s job is educating clients on services available, products of use, and so much more. It can be a lot of information to digest, and it’s not uncommon for details to get overlooked, or, if reading written info, misunderstood. Employing asynchronous video, however, can help eliminate those forgotten details and gives your sales team the space to educate clients. Using video also allows sales teams to better engage clients, recording and editing videos that can be personalized and immerse clients in the product or service.
Imagine, for example, you’re working with a client that is creatively driven and wants a partnership that follows suit. What better way to let your sales team showcase their own creative side than through video? They can create dynamic videos that both capture a client’s attention and share important knowledge, features, and more. Clients can use that video to refer back to, and can also use asynchronous video to respond to sales team members, ask questions, or advance next steps of a strategy.
3. Get your team up to speed more quickly
Every sales team has a busy season. Whether your team is hustling in the spring, hitting the pavement in the summer, or taking meetings throughout the fall and winter, when they hit their stride there is no stopping them. So the last thing you want to do during that time is slow them down — yet you don’t want them to miss out on updates that could help them work.
Let asynchronous video help.
Using asynch video for your sales team offers so many options to provide them the tools they need. You can record and easily share feedback on projects, record instructional videos (always super helpful for new team members to refer back to as they’re learning the job), or even just celebrate team members on their successes or milestones. And you can record and share all this among your sales team without having to corral everyone into a single meeting, and keep them striding.
4. Easily onboard new team members
When bringing on new team members, it’s critical to set them up for success from day one. Asynchronous video can be part of that success story. You can use asynch video to produce training videos that will help new sales employees get acclimated to their role. You’ll create a library of instructional videos that they can refer back to whenever they want. Asynchronous video can also provide new sales team members with feedback that they can watch and digest at their convenience. What’s more, new employees can use asynchronous video to respond to feedback, ask questions, or share ideas and strategies.
Use asynchronous video, build a better sales team
When your sales team uses asynchronous video, a world of possibilities opens up to them, from increased, personalized client contact, to keeping them on top of the team priorities and strategies. Ready to give it a try? Install the extension now or reach out to Screencastify and find out for yourself just how easy using asynchronous video in your sales can be for your entire team.