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Jun 29, 2021

How to Use Video to Combat Learning Loss

Screencastify Squad

Summer has arrived, and students are enjoying a much-deserved break! πŸ– However, with their minds on things outside the classroom, there is the ever-present risk of students feeling Summer Slide along with the summer sun.

In the latest in our series of educational webinars, Screencastify professional development manager Nefertiti Dukes demonstrates strategies for using video to create powerful learning experiences that combat learning loss that can be induced by summer break or school closures

Check out some great tips from the webinar below! ⬇️


Create On-Demand Learning Opportunities

During our session, we show you how you can create a video that demonstrates how to create a thesis statement for an argumentative essay. Watch this video to see how easy it is with Screencastify Record.


Differentiate Content to Personalize Learning

Using the thesis statement video that was created in the tip above, Nefertiti next shows how you will be able to enhance and differentiate your videos with the simple-yet-powerful features within Screencastify Edit.


Let Students Demonstrate Their Learning

Screencastify Submit empowers students to securely make their voices heard through video assignments. In this tip, you’ll learn how Submit can be used by students to define a thesis statement and create one of their own!


More Ways to Combat Learning Loss

These are just some of the ways that you can use video to combat learning loss during the summer. Find even more tips in our β€œSay β€˜Bye’ to Summer Slide” article here!😎

Disrupt learning loss with Screencastify today. Sign up free!

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Screencastify Squad

Helping educators accomplish more, create visible success and inspire new ways of teaching.