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May 2, 2018

Screencastify's Got a New Look!

James Francis

When Screencastify was first released in 2014, it was the first of its kind in the Chrome Web Store. You could call it the mother of all screencasting extensions (we won’t stop you).

Since then, we’ve added a ton of features and made Screencastify smoother, easier to use, and more reliable. But we’re the first to admit that our interface had become, well....dated.

Millions of people depend on Screencastify every day to create videos and communicate more effectively. Having a dated interface wasn’t acceptable anymore.

So we went to the extension salon and got ourselves a good old-fashioned makeover.

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Our updated extension is more intuitive, clean, and - frankly - fun to use. We eliminated every unnecessary word and element. We made our most important features more visible and our advanced ones less visible.

Addition by subtraction, if you will.

We also changed our extension icon from the film strip to our branded arrow. We’ll miss you, film strip, you served your purpose honorably. But it’s time to move on!

Check it out and let us know what you think. You’ll need to make sure your extension has been updated to version 1.35. Here’s a video that shows you how to manually update your extensions:

Screencastify record is perfect for any classroom.
James Francis

As CEO, James leads Screencastify towards its mission of giving every teacher superpowers.