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Aug 30, 2018

App Smashing with Screencastify and Google Forms

Nefertiti Dukes
Professional Development Manager

Google Forms is amazing! But, did you know that it could get even more amazing when you embed a YouTube video? Even more good news: Screencastify videos can be easily uploaded to YouTube.

Take a look below for a growing list of ways to use Google Forms in the classroom:


"Take Attendance”

When you’re sharing a screencast, it’s important to know who watched it. Requiring students to enter their name into a Google form gives you an easily downloadable “attendance” spreadsheet.

Bonus Tip: Include a secret word or phrase at an unpredictable time during your screencast to make sure that students really watched. You can ask students to enter that word or phrase in the Google Form or even keep them in suspense and ask them to recite it in class the next day.


Assess Comprehension

Google Forms has a nifty feature that allows you to make any form a quiz. If you’re looking to quickly analyze what students know and don’t know, having them watch a screencast and then take a quiz might be the perfect option. It’s even more perfect that Google actually grades the quiz for you.


Identify Points of Confusion

If you’re introducing a new concept (or flipping your classroom), it’s important to know what students understood from a screencast and what they didn’t. Add the end of the screencast, consider requiring students to ask you two questions about the lesson. Now, you can group those questions together by category and identify focus areas for next class.


Disseminate Information

If you’re looking to get or disseminate information quickly, Google forms provides an excellent means of doing so. Have students or parents watch your video and then input the information you need. You can even download that information into a Google sheet with a single click.


Want more ideas about how to use Screencastify or have your own ideas? Join our community of screencastin' educators on Twitter.

Nefertiti Dukes
Professional Development Manager

Traveling the country in my brand new RV!