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Mar 20, 2024

Quick Tip: Let Your Students Lead the Way!

Payton Parks
Marketing Manager

Traditional classrooms often lack opportunities for student voice and student choice.  

With Screencastify students can easily:

  • 🙋 Share their voice: Submit video responses for deeper discussions, reflections, and self-expression.
  • 🤔 Amplify choice: Allow students to choose how to showcase their learning with our choice board template.
  • 📚 Have flexible pacing: Students can learn at their own pace by recording and submitting their work asynchronously and you can add Interactive Questions to monitor understanding of concepts.

Check out this video of how to use our choice board template:

Empowering students with freedom leads to increased engagement, motivation, and deeper understanding. So, what are you waiting for?

Install Screencastify today!

Want to start your video journey right now? Install the Screencastify Chrome extension free to begin recording in seconds!

Payton Parks
Marketing Manager

Here to help educators get the most out of video.