ICYMI, last week Flip retired their non-Microsoft apps (check out our response here). Screencastify Submit is a great alternative for student video creation—and we wanted to follow up with a few responses to your most asked questions so far.
Many of you asked what the experience is like for students, so we want to let you see for yourself. Here’s an example assignment—try it out!

For your privacy, we’ve turned off the setting where you can see other’s responses but in your classroom, you have the option to allow students to see each other’s videos.
In addition, we’ve created this quick demo for you to see a student’s current user experience when you enable this setting. Be on the lookout as we add the ability for students to comment on each others videos later this year. 👀

Frequently Asked Questions....
- Can students record from their phones or iPads? Yes, students can record from their camera on their phones or iPads. On mobile or iPad, students will not be able to capture their screens and they will not be able to read the text of the assignment on their screen while they record, so this experience works best when they don’t need to record their screen or read anything off it.
- How do students view each others videos? If you selected the “students can view all videos” setting when you created your assignment, students will be able to click into a Google Drive folder of everyone else’s responses after they submit. You can also easily send them the link to a Google Drive folder with everyone’s submissions. Here’s how!
- Can students add text or annotations? For now, we do not have a built in feature for adding text or annotations to student videos. However, they can record their screen and/or webcam, meaning you can ask them to use an interactive whiteboard like this one to solve a problem or walk through their thinking.
- Can this be used with Google? Yes! All the student videos are automatically saved to Drive and we have a Google Classroom integration that lets you post your assignment directly to Google Classroom.
- Can this be used without Google? No, students need to use Google Auth to sign in before they record.
- Can I upload my videos from Flip, other platforms, or my devices into Screencastify? Yes, here’s a quick video on how to do just that.
Please reach out to support@screencastify.com if you have any questions…or share them verbally as a response to our Submit assignment above! 🙂
—Screencastify Squad