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May 16, 2023

Blended Learning: A Screencastify Fireside Chat

Screencastify Squad

Blended learning is an important concept in keeping students engaged both in online and offline learning. It’s a way to give students more control over the time, place, pace, and the path of their learning. 

Recently we hosted a “fireside chat” webinar to help educators supercharge their blended learning classroom. You can watch the entire presentation below on-demand to learn: 

  • The benefits of a blended learning environment
  • Some concrete structures and systems that can help execute strong blended learning
  • How to optimize your blended learning environment with video

And below are some quick takeaways that can help you get started:

  • Start small: Think about small elements of a lesson or curriculum that can be modified.
  • Make a plan: Consider what the goals of blended learning are for your classroom, school, or district. Then make a plan!
  • Trust the teachers: Empower and equip yourself or your teachers with the tools they need to create strong blended learning environments.

Start creating now! 🎬

If you want to begin your journey with video to improve learning in your classroom right now, install Screencastify free today!

Screencastify Squad

Helping educators accomplish more, create visible success and inspire new ways of teaching.