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Feb 1, 2022

3 Key Themes for Educators from FETC 2022

Jarrod Rice
Content Lead

A year after its first remote conference, teachers, administrators and EdTech leaders were (finally!) able to take a break from virtual meetings and gather in person for the annual Future of Education Technology Conference in Orlando.

But the two different conference formats separated by a year served as a snapshot for many of the discussions held: how to collaborate and engage while personalizing content for in person and remote environments. 

And while the takeaways from sessions and conversations were far too numerous to count, we wanted to share some of the key themes from the conference. Read below for more.👇

Screencastify was on hand for FETC 2022 in Orlando!

1. Engagement: From content consumers to creators 🎬

In the “Creation over Consumption” session, host Megan Marcum, Digital Learning Coach at Bowling Green Independent School District, stressed that preparing students to become creators is key to their success. 

Given the right tools and the right direction, such as a template or example, students will build much more creative projects and wow teachers with the results. 

“We all consume media content every day. With all that consumption, and limited time, it can be easy to let creative muscles atrophy. But, creative endeavors involve so many other processes and provide opportunities for student agency, personalization, and authenticity,” Megan said.

Engagement was also at the heart of many of the hundreds and hundreds of conversations that took place at the Screencastify exhibitor booth, where we pointed many teachers to Our Ultimate Student Engagement ebook.

Our ebook was written by educators for educators to empower teachers, students and even families to have the best classroom experience possible with the help of video.

Click the image below to get tips on driving engagement with instructional videos while also learning ways to improve family engagement and how student-created videos can improve educational outcomes! Create better engagement with your students with Screencastify now:


2. Fostering more collaborative environments 💡

One quote resonated especially loudly when it comes to collaboration. It not only encapsulated the challenges of the past two years, but also how schools much keep the same mindset.  

“Your school should be prepared for the swift migration from a face-to-face instructional environment to an online instructional environment, in the event of a major crisis.”

Teachers must leverage the right tools for collaboration no matter what the learning environment is. And that requires flexibility in technology. Asynchronous video was discussed often as a valuable tool for collaboration.

And you can see just one way that students can use Screencastify Submit to collaborate on a presentation whether remote or in person here!

Related: Listen to Thom Gibson discuss how to turn classrooms into creative environments. 

3. A primary focus on personalization 🙋

Sadie Lewis, Director of Instructional Design and Personalization at Mehlville School District, led a session on personalizing the learning experience for students. She urged teachers to “think beyond one-size-fits-all activities and start designing learning experiences through the eyes of your students.”

She adds that “Following a student-centered learning design model leads to authentic, personalized learning opportunities that foster student voice and choice in projects and activities that are directly aligned to learning goals.”

As with the speakers at FETC 2022, helping teachers achieve personalized learning has long been a part of Screencastify’s mission. In fact, you can take our Excellent Editor course to learn how to edit your videos along with a few strategies for maximizing engagement and personalizing learning! 

Related: Listen to Michelle Hearn share how personalized learning empowers student voices.

And so much more ...

Of course, those were just some of the topics and themes. Esports, VR and AR, gamification, video learning, SEL, coding and much more were at front and center. 

Were you at FETC 2022? Share what you learned with us on Twitter @screencastify 

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Jarrod Rice
Content Lead

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